Tuesday, June 29, 2010


Neighborhood Associations Build Relationships

A neighborhood association is one of the best ways to build relationships among neighbors. Members of a neighborhood may go years without knowing neighbors two doors away. A spirit of warmth and friendliness can be generated through the formation of an association. Additionally, through an association, neighbors can share concerns, needs and interests, which may lead to supportive and efficient problem solving.

For Neighborhood Improvement

If neighborhood improvement is a goal, local neighboring residents are the best resources to help initiate change. Neighborhood associations are a great resource for City staff and residents in developing long-range improvement projects.

To Create an Organized, Unified Voice

Through an association, your neighborhood has a unified voice in City government. The services that the City can provide to your neighborhood can be accessed efficiently through an association. Information on City services can also be provided to a greater number of neighbors through association meetings and communications, resulting in a benefit to the neighborhood as a whole

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