Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Wonderful turnout our first meeting

We had a wonderful turnout our first meeting on August 9th. Over 40 people came out to share their experiences, learn what they can do to help make Belle Morris a better community and meet their like minded neighbors.

Rick Wilen, one of the group of Belle Morris neighbors who was instrumental in making this all possible, welcomed everyone to the meeting and introduced Caption Holiday who was our featured speaker.

Capt. Holliday spoke about the largest crime problem, property damage. He said we could do a large service to ourselves and community by calling 911 we notice something or someone that seems out of place. If you don’t want to call 911, you can call the non emergency number 215-4010 who will be more than happy to take your report and notify the proper authorities.

We also learned that we are in “Beat 61” and that the surrounding beats will come to our area as requested or needed. We were also given the phone number of the Knoxville Central Mall Police Office so we can call anytime to follow up on anything we see or report. That number is 215-1201.

Capt. Holliday was very impressed with the number of people that turned out for the meeting and said if we can keep the numbers up; he will permanently assign an officer to our group to give crime updates and report on follow ups and to look into our concerns.

Sgt. Fowler gave us a crime report for our area and also stated the need to do our part and be the eyes and ears of the police department. They can’t do their job if we don’t do ours.

I want to thank two other people in the core group of Belle Morris neighbors; Tiffany Wildener and Mike Stinson for bring the bottles of ice water.

Next meeting of the Belle Morris Community will be Monday September 13th at 6:30 pm.

I hope to see everyone there.

Sandy Salmen
Belle Morris email – bellemorrisna@gmail.com
Blog - http://bellemorrisna.blogspot.com/

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