Friday, August 27, 2010

Possible Neighborhood Association Projects and Activities

"Greet the New Neighbor" program
"Kid Watch" Safe Neighborhood program
"Neighborhood Night Out"
Block parties
Child safety programs
Crime prevention initiatives (i.e. Crime Watch Group or Citizens on Patrol)
Fire prevention education
Fire safety programs
Fund raising activities
Graffiti Clean-up
Holiday celebrations
Home tours
Land use studies
Leadership workshops
Median landscaping projects
Neighborhood beautification projects
Neighborhood clean-ups
Neighborhood surveys
Neighborhood Traffic Control
Newsletters, directories & telephone trees
Paint/fix-up projects
Park developments
Produce co-ops
School supply drives
Security lighting projects
Street improvements
Yard of the Month programs
Youth activities

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Ten Reasons for a Belle Morris Community Group

1. It’s good for your health: Studies show that having a good social network extends your life, keeps you healthy, and staves off mental deterioration.

2. It’s good for the community: The more people work together and get to be familiar with the way things work around the area, the more people support each other through the tough times.

3. Increases our property value: Studies show that community groups who are active have a tremendous value to our properties. Interactive is the key, each of us can communicate our ideas and concerns to the group.

4. You meet new friends: Get to know new people and work with them on things you all care about with community events such as annual neighbor garage sale, pot luck supper, picnic, barbeque or street cleaning.

5. You make new contacts: Keeping your networks in good repair helps you to see opportunities when they come up and gives you people to call when you want help.

6. You learn new skills: You can learn workplace skills from being a volunteer. You can learn governance skills – committee management, business planning – from joining a committee.

7. You can follow your interests: Whatever you like to do, there are other people out there who like it too. Join a group and you can share your passion.

8. You can build up your resume: If you’re applying for a promotion, or a new job, or a new relationship, it helps to be able to point to the unselfish efforts you’re putting in for the community.

9. It’s good for the family: We need a strong community, where the government and business don’t run everything and people manage their own organizations for community goals.

10. Hometown advantage: The ability to market directly to our community. A place to list that extra computer or refrigerator that's taking up space, offer baby sitting or dog walking service, list something you need or would like to borrow. A business directory for our local businesses that support us and our group.

Please join us at the second meeting of the Community of Belle Morris

WHERE: City View Baptist Church located at 2311 Fine Avenue, Knoxville, TN 37917-4897

WHEN: Monday 9/13 AT 6:30 PM.

WHO WILL BE THERE: An Officer from the Knoxville Police Department will be attending our meeting to give us a current report on incidents and crime in our Belle Morris Neighborhood and to answer any questions.

If you have any questions or would like to help, you can contact: Rick Wilen at 524-5008 or Mike Stinson at 216-4937 or Sandy Salmen at 455-0015 or by email at

You can protect your neighborhood

By calling 311 you can protect your neighborhood against degradation and deterioration—cars on cinder blocks, dilapidated homes or yards that are not maintained. You don't need to know the owners name, story or history; only the address. The city has the information necessary to notify the responsible party to take care of the issue at hand.

Some if the issues you can bring to the attention of 311 are Brush Pickup, Codes Enforcement, Dirty Lot Cleanup, Garbage Complaints, Leaf Pickup, Pothole Repair Street Light Outages, Storm Drains or Street Cleaning.

311 your tax dollars at work!

Friday, August 13, 2010

Help with your mosquito issues

Call the Knoxville Health Department at 865-215-5235 and let them know the area needs to be sprayed for mosquitoes.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Wonderful turnout our first meeting

We had a wonderful turnout our first meeting on August 9th. Over 40 people came out to share their experiences, learn what they can do to help make Belle Morris a better community and meet their like minded neighbors.

Rick Wilen, one of the group of Belle Morris neighbors who was instrumental in making this all possible, welcomed everyone to the meeting and introduced Caption Holiday who was our featured speaker.

Capt. Holliday spoke about the largest crime problem, property damage. He said we could do a large service to ourselves and community by calling 911 we notice something or someone that seems out of place. If you don’t want to call 911, you can call the non emergency number 215-4010 who will be more than happy to take your report and notify the proper authorities.

We also learned that we are in “Beat 61” and that the surrounding beats will come to our area as requested or needed. We were also given the phone number of the Knoxville Central Mall Police Office so we can call anytime to follow up on anything we see or report. That number is 215-1201.

Capt. Holliday was very impressed with the number of people that turned out for the meeting and said if we can keep the numbers up; he will permanently assign an officer to our group to give crime updates and report on follow ups and to look into our concerns.

Sgt. Fowler gave us a crime report for our area and also stated the need to do our part and be the eyes and ears of the police department. They can’t do their job if we don’t do ours.

I want to thank two other people in the core group of Belle Morris neighbors; Tiffany Wildener and Mike Stinson for bring the bottles of ice water.

Next meeting of the Belle Morris Community will be Monday September 13th at 6:30 pm.

I hope to see everyone there.

Sandy Salmen
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