Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Ten Reasons for a Belle Morris Community Group

1. It’s good for your health: Studies show that having a good social network extends your life, keeps you healthy, and staves off mental deterioration.

2. It’s good for the community: The more people work together and get to be familiar with the way things work around the area, the more people support each other through the tough times.

3. Increases our property value: Studies show that community groups who are active have a tremendous value to our properties. Interactive is the key, each of us can communicate our ideas and concerns to the group.

4. You meet new friends: Get to know new people and work with them on things you all care about with community events such as annual neighbor garage sale, pot luck supper, picnic, barbeque or street cleaning.

5. You make new contacts: Keeping your networks in good repair helps you to see opportunities when they come up and gives you people to call when you want help.

6. You learn new skills: You can learn workplace skills from being a volunteer. You can learn governance skills – committee management, business planning – from joining a committee.

7. You can follow your interests: Whatever you like to do, there are other people out there who like it too. Join a group and you can share your passion.

8. You can build up your resume: If you’re applying for a promotion, or a new job, or a new relationship, it helps to be able to point to the unselfish efforts you’re putting in for the community.

9. It’s good for the family: We need a strong community, where the government and business don’t run everything and people manage their own organizations for community goals.

10. Hometown advantage: The ability to market directly to our community. A place to list that extra computer or refrigerator that's taking up space, offer baby sitting or dog walking service, list something you need or would like to borrow. A business directory for our local businesses that support us and our group.

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